Pictorial Narrative

Graphic Arts

Loren IpsumMeet Loren Ipsum. Loren is like you, she likes classic good looks without having to fool around with technicalities all day. She has a life and she has a business to run. Loren knows a thing or two about people and she knows that people are visual and like to see pictures. She also recognizes the fact that our brains are wired for story, so if the content has a narrative then that’s good, but if the pictures tell a story, that’s far better.

Loren’s friend Tara is a graphic artist who was trained in fine arts. Tara enjoys paintingTara the Artist watercolor and wishes there were some satisfactory way to express the subtle beauty of watercolors with the digital medium. Tara has tried everything from digital watercolor to reproducing her fine arts watercolors but she needs someone to help her with the technical aspects of building her website.

Both women run a business and understand the importance of personal branding. They both want to express their inner essence and be true to who they really are with their own personal label.


Now this is Marcus. Maybe things are easier for him because he has always been just straight-up Marcus. Nothing real complicated but Marcus is uptown and contemporary. Marcus is a Uptown Marcusmixed-media man and a little bit avant-garde. But Marcus never went in for all that classic stuff (or the earth-tones thing, either). Marcus likes Red, the deeper the better. Marcus also likes steely greys with exciting textures and undertones. Makes him feel alive like he’s on the prowl. Marcus represents himself: he is his own brand. My man Marcus is a walking fashion statement.