Appalachian State University's Most Prominent Intramural Soccer Dynasty
Founded by 1976-77 Freshmen
Cosmozydae was conceived and founded by ASU freshmen ‘Gus’ Gustavson and Bob Donovan of Eggars Dorm. Gus once confided in me that in filling out the registration papers for his intramural dorm team, he and Bob had simply filled in arbitrary letters. However, the word Cosmoz (Cosmically Ordained) emerged quite obviously.
Cosmozydae’s chief rival that year became the Gardner Dorm Team, located directly across the parking lot from Eggars. (Both teams were composed of pick-up game regulars who knew each other well and were always on friendly terms with each other).
James Rowland 'Rocky' Watts
July 3 1958 - October 31 1981
Burial Place: Lincoln Co., N. C.
Cemetery: Forest Lawn
Residence Place: Winston-Salem. Forsyth, N. C.
Address: 119 Charleston Ct.
Age: 23
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Indust. Designer-Amp. Inc
Birthplace: Unknown, Unknown
Father’s Name: James F. Watts
Mother’s Name: Linda White
Spouse’s Name: Barbara Dellinger