10-01 Research


10-01 Research Emerged From the Structure of Our Organization’s Information Architecture

For those of us who are not familiar with the term information architecture, it is the study of how we organize, filter and store our data. The top levels of information architecture are:

  • knowledge base: The human member of the team will be responsible for initial curation of articles and documents of information as well as the subjects they cover.

  • content repository: in our system this takes the form of an assemblage of distributed systems, each with their own features and constraints

  • collection point: largely determined by practicalities of a given project

  • access points: cloud computing and software fusion apps have continued to expand the possibilities, contributing to enhanced freedom of creative thinking

  • navigation structure: this has been one of our most important strong-points. We found it most efficient to begin with a well thought-out initial structure and letting the complexity of the database determine the emergence thereafter.

The information architecture not only defines a company’s data storage and retrieval systems, but reflects and often determines the way an organization thinks.

After the Archives have built up, content searches are performed within the Curation Software (for example OneNote, Evernote, Zoot, etc.). Large troves of data are returned and must be sifted through for relevance. Finally the AI writer is able to rephrase and research the relevant topics and post headings, suggesting others in the process.

The shift to new types of tools and structure has been a game changer in the realm of research and information architecture.

What is the Research Process for 10-01 Research?

In the current digital era, there is a shift in how companies conduct research. They are shifting from traditional methods to harnessing AI-based technologies for research and information architecture.

The new research and information architecture tools are making it easier for people to find and share information. As the human member of the team is still responsible for initial curation of articles and documents of information as well as the subjects they cover, there is an initial need for creative generation, followed by preliminary investigation. After the Archives have built up, content searches are performed within the Curation Software (for example OneNote, Evernote, Zoot, etc.). Large troves of data are returned and must be sifted through for relevance. The AI engine scans billions of posts, tweets, and other content across all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Finally the AI writer is able to rephrase and research the relevant topics and post headings, suggesting others in the process.

Virtual reality, mixed reality and artificial intelligence are examples of technologies that are changing how we perceive the world around us. These technologies are creating possibilities for people to see and interact with their surroundings in a whole new way. People are now able to share information in ways that were never possible before, envisioning new possibilities, and thinking well beyond previous, more orthodox conceptual structures to find solutions that are far-reaching and complex in their scope and magnitude. This has opened the door to new vistas of creativity resulting in unexpectedly advanced discoveries.

AI writing assistants are changing the way businesses create content because of their processing power and time efficiency. They can understand and process language better than humans, which means less time, energy and money to be spent on copywriting. AI writers are able to produce text in a variety of formats such as blog posts, social media posts, articles, emails & more at a fraction of the cost.

The AI will help copywriters save time and energy, but they are also helping teams to become more efficient across the board. Because of these benefits, some companies have even adopted the new writing assistants into their creative departments. The rise of AI writing assistants is all about automation. They have made it possible for humans to focus on what they do best – creativity and emotions.